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Loft Insulation: About

Loft Insulation

Adequate Loft Insulation is the quickest, cheapest way of saving money on your energy bills.

A professionally insulated loft pays for itself in savings very quickly, and you have peace of mind that nothing is being wasted through the roof.

Why is Loft Insulation so important ?

Inadequate loft insulation causes unnecessary loss of the heat that you need for your home.

Heat rises throughout the whole home so it is vital that you stop this heat rising through your roof by insulating.

In fact, the Energy Savings Trust* value this heat loss at upto £250 of your annual bill if its not up to the standard of 300mm, or 1 foot deep.

As well as the money that is wasted and the heat lost it is important to increase in comfort levels when your home is easier to keep warm.

loft insulation is a fairly inexpensive way to fix these problems permanently, and therefore it pays for itself very quickly -  and in some cases with government schemes it can be totally free of charge.

Are there still Loft Insulation grants available ?

Despite the recent scaling back of the funding for loft insulation there is still some funding available.

You may qualify as it is available for people across the uk, simply press our online checker to see if you qualify.

we access funding directly and handle the whole application from start to finish resulting in a stress free project.

How we work for you

Nice & Warm Services ensure that the right installers are chosen for your project, we only work with accredited installers who are compliant with all building regulations and trade association rules. 


The means that you can be assured that the safest and best practices and products are used for your home to reduce energy costs and also improve the environment.


Our team of surveyors will visit your home before any installation to establish how best we can help you. This is to assess the suitability of your building for any improvements we can make and to establish the depth of insulation needed, and your ventilation requirements.

We will also consider any pipes that need to be insulated and hatches that need to be improved or replaced. Also we will look into whether you will qualify for any funding to ensure we give you the best price possible.


After we have agreed your improvements, we will book in a suitable date for the install that agrees with your diary.

How it works and what to consider

Loft insulation works by trapping or slowing down heated air that has to pass through the material. For it to work correctly, Insulation should not be compressed, or overstretched, or have any gaps in it to allow easy passage of heat. Older loft insulation that has been squashed down repeatedly over the years is not working well even if it is still present.


Loft insulation, whilst able to be fitted relatively quickly is not an easy task and is best left to experienced installers to reduce the risk of accidents and disruptions to your home.


To explain, loft insulation should be cross-laid meaning that as well as being laid between the joists it should then be topped up across them to minimise ‘Cold Bridging’. Loft hatches need special attention also ensuring that they are insulated too, and pipes need protection from the cold now we are not going to be losing the heat into the loft. Ventilation needs to be assessed to avoid condensation risks, and electrical and access conditions need to be understood.


Our installer partners are fully qualified, experienced fitters who are trained to ensure you are left with a hassle free, clean installation and will leave a certificate in the loft to show compliance and details of the installer should you need to contact them at a later time.

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